One is frantic. One is relaxed. Together we are frantically relaxed. Follow us as we share life from two very different minds.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Revelation of a Simple Girl
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What's the Priority?
When I first had a thought of doing this post on priorities it was much different in my mind than it actually played out to be.
My initial thought was that I would look through my "work in progress" list, see which were functioning on a schedule of "process" (which was discussed in an earlier post), and then I would identify an order of importance of each and at that point my "priority" would be set. I could then write an informative "how to" post on priorities.
Surprise.... that is not how it happened. I read the following and it changed everything:
Psalm 42.11 NLT - Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!
While chasing my "work in progress" list, there was a feeling of discouragement. I looked at my list and was unable to find the thing that topped everything else, the thing of upmost importantance and therefore I had no real priority. Not to mention that the size of the list and the size of the dreams that fueled the list seemed almost impossible to conquer. Then I read the verse mentioned above. I realized that my hope and joy had been shifted to the accomplishments that I could generate from a list and no matter how great those accomplishments are after a while they fade and leave the need for more. Then I realized something even greater, I had been unable to identify my upmost priority because it wasn't included on my "work in progress" list.
For me, when I read Psalm 42:11 it spoke to my discouragement and frustration and reminded me that my true hope doesn't come from how many items I accomplish on a checklist. It also reminded me that my real priority was to praise God through my life. I believe that in doing that all the works around me that are in line with my real priority will come to completion. Then I was reminded of this:
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
So maybe my list still needs a little work, but there is no doubt that my top priority has been set.