
Monday, October 21, 2013

Captain Underpants

The new hero around the Kiefer house is Captain Underpants. He defends against villains such as Professor PoopyPants, the Wicked Wedgie Woman, and is always getting the two main characters, Harold and George, out of trouble. The books have toilet humor, silly graphics, crazy antics, and out of this world plots. Did you catch that? THE BOOKS!  That is why I can celebrate Captain Underpants. My son, who I thought would never pick up a book for fun, can't put them down.  He loves reading and his standardized tests at school showed it!  Although great, his test scores aren't what makes me so happy about the reading.

In a world so lost from imagination, we have constant visual entertainment. We put little value on finding rest in quite activities that help promote mental focus and increased attention spans.  Although the constant rush of information, instantaneous communication, and fast graphics may help us to be more productive with tasks, I find that it slows us from creating authentic relationships and self discovery.  Being the mother of a very focus deficit child and understanding the struggle video games, tablets, TV and other media can cause in the home, I appreciate the time my son spends reading not to mention the two days that he spent creating his own mini-book (you'll need to rotate the images).  He illustrated and wrote it himself. His classmates received a copy and asked for his autograph saying that he would be famous. What a win!

Captain Underpants you are my hero! 

And here is our real life Captain Underpants for Halloween. The bottoms are actually a chef's hat and yes he did put shorts under it!


On a side note: You will find affiliate and other general links within my blog. I work hard to keep them relevant and useful. One reason I use affiliate links is to support the daily activity of a non-profit children's program. Check out The Cool Table to learn more.  If you use Amazon to make any purchases please bookmark our link and painlessly help support the cause.

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