
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Duck Dynasty

Yes, I am really writing a blog about Duck Dynasty. First because I love it and second... because I love it. By the way, those two reasons are different in concept.

So here it is...

The fact that I enjoy Duck Dynasty is by far a bit odd for my personality.  I am a deep thinker and look for amazing revelations, and hidden treasures in almost everything. I strive for order, am performance driven, and at times, feel that I must keep up appearances or the universe may spin out of control. Then there is Duck Dynasty. Half of what is said makes no sense which leaves me nothing to ponder. Making duck calls, building Redneck water parks, going frog hunting in the country club golf course, and eating dozens of donuts do nothing for me in the way of answering some of life's deepest questions. Bushy beards and camouflage face paint are far from what I would consider as keeping up appearances, and if you have seen the show you know that order is hard to come by in the duck call room. So the fact I love Duck Dynasty is a bit ironic which is my first reason for sharing.

Now on to my second reason. Although Duck Dynasty is so far from "my normal," it is somehow perfectly in sync with everything I believe to be true and those things I wish to achieve. No, not frog hunting at the Country Club! It is fun and although I am a serious analytical person my hopes are that I would enjoy life. Duck Dynasty also proves that hard work can pay off and it is possible to love what you do and still provide well financially for your family. This is a truth that I hold onto which keeps me from settling for anything less than everything I was created for. It also shows that being perfect is not what keeps life in order instead it is loving and forgiving the ones around you which is a truth I need to hear often. Then there is the faith of the Robertson family which is genuinely displayed at the end of every episode and throughout their lives. That is something I appreciate above all else.

And there you have it! I love Duck Dynasty. You should watch it.


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