
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who I Am

Over the next several weeks, I will take time each Sunday to reflect on a scripture which identifies who a person is through Christ.  My hope is that this will help encourage and remind some of us (me included) what position, power, and responsibilities come with having a relationship with Christ.

While I  will speak directly to those who identify themselves as having a relationship with Jesus, I hope that those who are skeptical or even turned off by the notion will continue to stick around and read.  This is your opportunity to sit back and get an inside look at the relationship.  It may answer some questions or uncover something you never realized. 

So you also are complete through your union with Christ (Jesus), who is the head over every ruler and authority. Colossians2:10 NLT

Used as an adjective, complete means having all the necessary or appropriate parts.

Colossians 2:10 describes one through his/her union with Christ, as being complete. It then goes on to describe Christ as the head over all rulers and authorities. This is important because without that description of Christ this verse might not hold as much encouragement.Because Christ holds this authority, the verse should provide much encouragement and power for a person who has chosen to identify themselves with Christ.

If you have made a decision to accept and follow Jesus, here are my words to you…
When feelings of inadequacy say that you are not enough, have hope and believe the words of God which say that you are complete.  When fear paralyzes you from living out your purpose, listen to the One who created you.  He says that He has equipped you with every appropriate part needed to be who you were created to be and do what you were created to do. When the evils of this world seem to be multiplied, take heart for you have the One who overcome this world and Who is the head of all rulers and authority on your side.

Here is a simple prayer that may help practice the truth that in Christ you are complete: Lord, thank you for making me complete.  I am equipped to do what I was created to do and be who I was created to be.  Even when I feel incomplete, remind me that I am complete.


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