
Monday, August 26, 2013

Be The Best

Have you ever wondered who you want to be?  I have.  Many times who I want to be resembles  every person that is having success in any area of life.  See a problem with that?  Maybe not, but let me tell you it is counterproductive!

Just for example, one is most likely not going to own a farm in the country and live in the city and take the subway to work. Wow, that was elementary right! As simple as that was to uncover,  it is what I have been doing (and maybe many others) for a while.  This made me think maybe the question is not who do I (or you) want to be. Maybe the better question is who am I (who are you)?  Each of us were created uniquely with different likes, dislikes, strengths, and struggles.  What ignites passion and brings peace?  Where is that sweet spot where strengths and enjoyment collide?  Do we know?  If not, I highly recommend hanging out with yourself for a while and journaling your experiences. Be honest about the things you did really well and the things you bombed.  Think about the projects, conversations, or tasks that brought you the most joy and see if there is a common factor linking them. Learn to know yourself and accept yourself.  Then ask yourself “what version of who I am do I want to be.” For me the answer is simple.  I want to be the BEST version of me possible. What does that completely look like?  I have no clue. I only know that it means that I grow daily, do an extra rep, discover a new fact, do more of what I love and stop worrying about someone else’s version of awesome.

So for your sheer entertainment here are few counterproductive versions of someone else’s awesome that I have thought about being (all at the same time might I added):

  • A size negative 2, a power lifter, a marathon runner, and physique competitor.  Who am I really and what do I really want … to enjoy my workouts, look nice and gain confidence, be healthy and encourage others to do the same.

  • President of a major corporation, stay at home mom, and win the Nobel Peace Prize.  What is realistic for me … a balance of work and family and flexibility to volunteer at my childrens’ school. Quite honestly I get overwhelmed when my children are scheduled for too many activities and they overlap so I am really not corporate president material. As far as the Nobel Peace Prize, I think I have a shot with this blog -  ;)

So those were quite silly and unrealistic!

I encourage you to know yourself, shed the things that really aren’t you, pick up the things that are, and be the BEST version of you possible.

Blessing for the journey!


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