
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Change is Coming!

Here we go! Change is on the way.  

Chris and I have realized that our life is truly frantically relaxed. We have so many great projects in the work with a few that we want to go after at full speed, but guess what!  We have two different minds.  He is a humor guy and I am a analytical  gal so what shall we do then ... well he'll stay relaxed and work on his humor as I stay frantic and move all our "missions" around to organize our "social media" life. Here is the deal. I love to write and many times it is deep stuff ... you know the type of stuff that I look over and find my husband half asleep as I am passionately sharing my view on cafeteria food at school and why we must pack our children's lunch. True story by the way! So whether it is school lunch, running trails, emotional healing, or just being me, I like to share my heart and have been able to do so with our readers over the last eight months. Thank you!

Now is the time that I take my style and brand it with my mission which has birthed my new blog "Revelations of a Simple Girl" check it out at I have imported some of my favorite post from "Our Frantically Relaxed Life" and have so much more material on the way. I hope you join me on this amazing journey.  I know BIG things are to come!

For Chris, he is working on what he does best.  Yes that's right EVERYTHING! But since we have to narrow it down for the sake of ego, he will be sharing his wicked humor with the world. For now you can follow him on Twitter @FunIs4TheBirds but it will not stop there.  Soon there will be FunIs4TheBirds bobble heads, T-shirts, cereal brand, and license plates ok so maybe not, BUT he does have some cool stuff in store.

As for Our Frantically Relaxed Life, it will still be here ... just more frantic writing and more relaxed editing :) 


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