Have you ever wondered who you want to be? I have. Many times who I want to be resembles every person that is having success in any area of life. See a problem with that? Maybe not, but let me tell you it is counterproductive!
So for your sheer entertainment here are few counterproductive versions of someone else’s awesome that I have thought about being (all at the same time might I added):
- A size negative 2, a power lifter, a marathon runner, and physique competitor. Who am I really and what do I really want … to enjoy my workouts, look nice and gain confidence, be healthy and encourage others to do the same.
- President of a major corporation, stay at home mom, and win the Nobel Peace Prize. What is realistic for me … a balance of work and family and flexibility to volunteer at my childrens’ school. Quite honestly I get overwhelmed when my children are scheduled for too many activities and they overlap so I am really not corporate president material. As far as the Nobel Peace Prize, I think I have a shot with this blog - ;)
So those were quite silly and unrealistic!
I encourage you to know yourself, shed the things that really aren’t you, pick up the things that are, and be the BEST version of you possible.
Blessing for the journey!
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